Saturday, November 26, 2011

Coming to America: Chapter 7 AND 8!!!

Chapter 7 and 8-Coming to America
During the years 1880-1920, 4.1 Italians had immigrated to the U.S. Italians certainly tended to return back to their home country after saving up a good amount of money and getting what they wanted from here and then coming back to the U.S after a certain amount of years. They also did temporary migration to other countries and experienced it beforehand coming to the United States. Most of the Italians coming in were skilled artisans as well as many intellectuals coming in which is very surprising because as I have been reading the past couple of chapters, immigrants usually come in with no money, education or skills and build it once they are working here with the belief that anything is possible in America. Italian painters and sculptors also contributed to plastic art (which I studied in Art History course and is pretty cool). Immigrants were pretty smart and had introduced new crops and techniques since they were doing agriculture in California! Priests and political exiles also came to America along with many intellectual people of Italy. The majority of them were doing manual labor though and most were Catholics. I’ve actually never heard of this term, padroni was known as finding jobs through ethnic labor contractors, which I can imagine is a lot easier for them. Some were poor due to the low wages they earned and poor neighborhoods they resided in. They lived in many bad neighborhoods and that is probably the reason why many of them are involved in crimes.  According to some people…crime is a means to upward social mobility which is very disheartening and frightening to read that people think that only crime will solve their social and economic issues and status within American society. For the Arabs, I definitely agreed with Rogers on the point being made that many think the term Arab means Muslim when it really doesn’t because there are indeed Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs. I hadn’t known that a great portion of Arabs were immigrating into New York City mainly. Some were fortunate to open their own businesses while others were Arab peddlers. I was very shocked to learn that only two mosques were open before the 1930s! Today, we have hundreds if not thousands of mosques built all over the United States as well as pretty much every country in the world!  Many Armenians do in fact live in Fresno to this day. I was very surprised to learn that 26 different European ethnic groups immigrated into the U.S…there’s a lot of multiculturalism as one could tell. They settled in states near factories and manufacturing at the time. These were people to whom things happened instead of people who caused things to happen according to an author, which I can certainly agree with. All Poles who came here spoke Polish as a mother tongue and were Roman Catholics. They settled into cities with economic motives. Eastern European Jews seriously insisted on staying in the U.S which is not surprising for me because once people adjust and be comfortable with American society, they tend to stay longer and not want to go back to the issues they were facing. I was in dismay while I read the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire in 1911!!! I can’t even imagine witnessing people doing that or doing that myself, it’s so absurd!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Coming to America: Chapter 6

Chapter 6- Pioneers of the Century of Immigration: Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians
Period between 1812 and 1924. The main difference between the immigrants that is noted in this chapter is as follows, immigrants were either rural or urban depending on the years they immigrated into the United States. Some of these immigrants’ occupations had changed dramatically and that was due to the American economy and society like it is today when the economy is down…many people go back into school and switch majors so they may easily find a better job opportunity that fits their financial needs. Immigration numbers dramatically decreased, although there were many immigrants, so this was definitely miscounted and the numbers don’t represent the correct amount of people coming in and out. Many people were not counted for depending on the route they took to come to the U.S., while others it was chain migration, tourist visas, coming back and forth, and illegal immigration. Better transportation had greatly affected immigration because it was now quicker to emigrate large groups of people from one place to another. Many were migrating from Asia, Many Irish people also not due to the Famine, which is most people think that was the reasoning behind it, but rather because Ireland lost an innumerable amount of people in their population.  Some people did not marry or bear children, so the population was not increasingly growing as expected. 1/12 Irish would return back to their home which quite frankly is not surprising because they’ve settled and worked hard for a better life here in the U.S. The U.S also has better opportunities and standard of living is significantly higher than most countries. The British Passenger Acts had made it a lot cheaper to migrate to Canada than it was to the U.S so that had gotten many people to migrate there instead. As I viewed the table of Immigrants from Ireland on pg. 129, I was shocked to see how the percentage of total immigration decreased dramatically within ten year increments. After the war, which is in the year of 1812, Irish people did not immigrate in large family groups. Many of the Irish were living in an urban environment; they certainly did not have the skills or money to own their own farm or be prepared to work in the American agriculture here in the U.S. Most were not educated and did not know the trade. It was very difficult for them to adjust and find skills that would contribute the American society after immigrating here. The workers were pretty much in the bottom of society. Germans had come for economic reasons which wasn’t surprising to tell you the truth, nor were they proud in the German achievements back home and sought to find a way to reach America. Modernization definitely benefited them at this time and many women were housewives who were expected to cook, clean and look after the kids. Cholera had killed the poorest immigrants before even arriving to their destination. These people were very close to the Church and held closely their ideologies, traditions and religion. Norwegians came due to land hunger and population pressures as well as religious intolerance in Norwegian which is really outrageous and it was a great decision for them to move into the U.S and escape those issues.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chapter 5-Ethnicity and Race in American Life

Chapter 5-Ethnicity and Race in American Life
After reading this particular chapter, I was definitely questioning the true meaning of being American? Is it having Thanksgiving every October or being patriotic to the United States or is social values, attitudes, beliefs and norms that we all believe in? Does living the American Dream make you American or having the legal citizenship? For every person, the definition may change upon the way they think of ethnicity and self-identity in America. I mean America is indeed a place where one could be what they want, you could change yourself, forget about your own culture/ background to try to fit into the American culture. But what is the American culture…isn’t it a mixture of different immigrants, races, ethnicities and cultures all coming together. For me personally, I was born and raised in America but don’t consider myself to be American. I hold onto my own culture and family background and am proud to come from where I do. It’s frightening to know that people are willing to let go of their own culture and think it’s unacceptable to be something other than American once you are here in the United States. Being born in the United States could possibly mean being American to some people. Race is a very controversial issue for many people because some people are discriminated against depending on their skin color or ethnicity, while others are biracial and cannot identify themselves clearly. This happens a lot when someone is filling out a job application or survey that requires you to put down your race in order to gather statistics. English culture probably consists of knowing the English language fluently, being an American citizen, knowing the U.S law (amendments, constitution, democracy), freedom of speech since the U.S is known for allowing people to speak their mind and have their own beliefs and probably even eating American food and participating in cultural things that could perhaps be patriotic and also understanding the history of the United States. The U.S has been involved in way too many wars with various countries, has military all over the world which his really unnecessary, oppressed many people through centuries and discriminated against pretty much every race and ethnicity out there. The U.S has discriminated against many people which is nothing to be proud of. Coming here to America, millions of people change their personal habits and traditions in order to conform to society while people from older generations tend to understand the importance of one’s own values, religion, beliefs because that’s how one self identifies and hold onto that for as long as they can. We tend to be closer to people with the same culture, beliefs and even ethnicity as ourselves because they are one of us and we trust them. It’s hard to trust people from other communities and that’s what some people are afraid of. But living here in the United States for as long as I have, I’ve come to love the Golden Rule of respecting and getting to know your own neighbor. We pass many people on a daily basis without speaking or even doing the smallest gesture such as smiling, but living here I’ve come to understand that it’s good to be in contact with people you live with and go to school or work with. Social life has dramatically changed through the decades as well both positively and negatively.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chapter 4-Other Europeans in Colonial America

Chapter 4-Other Europeans in Colonial America
Non-English European groups were entering between 17th-18th centuries. Before 1790…immigrants entering were a total of around 1 million people. Afro-Americans were 20% of the population. Non-British migrants had settled in the Southern and Middle Atlantic states. The Irish people that are referred to in this chapter are for the most part Protestants. The Germans who had come around 17th century were skilled minors. These Germans were Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. The push factor for these Germans to migrate here were due to politics and economics.  The living and working conditions were definitely better than that of their home country but once a family member migrated, the family would follow. Some family members were free while others weren’t, so they would save up money to have enough to pay off the contract and be able to live with their families again. Some people also exploited the trade, which I don’t find surprising because you’ll always find good and bad people with right and wrong morals/values they live by. Indentured servitude was also occurring at this time, which I completely understand and would have done myself living in that time period. It’s very hard to save up money for transportation, food clothes etc. but with this little exchange, it would help them immigrate more easily and allow them the opportunity to pay off their debt by working a couple of years. This exchange was definitely good both for the person who was paying as well as the immigrant. They made money while an immigrant had the opportunity to move and start a new life in fact…this went on until about 1830 which was somewhat surprising that it went for as long as it did! The Scotch Irish had settled into states such as Pennsylvania because they planned to have their own land perhaps since the land policies were easily controlled and a great deal to say the least. Many of these Scotch Irish came in as indentured Servants and worked for years and years until they worked their way up and were finally freed and not in debt so begin their own American life. The Scotch Irish people were skilled craftsmen… some prospered while others did not. Their ethnic community was not as close as that of the Germans.  They acculturated and tried to fit into the everyday social life and norms/expectations of the American life. What I was just very fascinated by was when I had read that involuntary migration was practiced by the Scottish and British governments…I have never heard of such a thing in the past! Apparently religious and political dissenters and criminals were deported to America. I find this funny because many people come to America with the hopes of reaching the American dream and having more opportunities to better their lives in America…which you would think is a good thing. But those governments deported them because they hadn’t wanted to deal with the consequences of having criminals and it was a disgrace and dishonor to be kicked out of your own home country I’m sure!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chapter 3-Slavery and Immigrants from Africa

Chapter 3-Slavery and Immigrants from Africa
I was surprised to learn that more than 9 million of people were being transported into the new world.  People were involved in this trade because they had wanted to make profit…capitalist enterprise. A slave-based industry such that of cane sugar has contributed and affected economies all over the world enormously! Slavery began in each North American colony including Canada but only ended up being mainly in the southern colonies later on. Immigration definitely increased and became more well-known as slaves were entering the United States. During colonial period…1/5 people was either African American or a descendent of one…there were some staggering numbers about African American ancestry and descendants of white folks which I found very fascinating to know. African slave trade went on for four centuries…I mean that’s a pretty long time for something very inhumane and unjust to continue occurring without a stop to it. People were being taken advantage of and exploited and insulted in many different levels. The plantations were in demand of labor and growing cash export crops and that is how the slave trade positively attributed to the economic issues within society. I was very saddened to read all of the disturbing details about the slave trade within this chapter along with other books I’ve read in the past. I mean these slaves in the New World were doing hard physical and dangerous labor for little to no money most of the time. Long hours using difficult tools and the one of the things that helped them through was singing while they were out on the plantations. Many people misinterpreted and assumed they were very satisfied with their lives when it was the complete opposite filled with depression, misery and trying so hard to hold onto their faith. They wore very cheap and uncomfortable clothes for long periods of time and lived in very filthy huts clumped together. There was a lot of sickness, diseases, dirt etc. I can’t even fathom the idea of this and I cannot even imagine what they must have endured for all of those years and there’s nothing that could repay the years in their life that they lost! Mind you many of these women were also being raped and molested since they were the slaves and had to follow orders of their master/owner of the plantations. This is a very crude, unbelievable and unjust issue that occurred and we as a nation must learn and never allow history to repeat itself.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Coming to America: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: English Immigrants in America- Virginia, Maryland, and New England

Colonial period: 1607-adoption of constitution.
600,000 Europeans and 300,000 Africans were emigrating to U.S.
With all of these immigrants coming here to the U.S…this is how America has an English/British culture
As a historian puts it “central theme of Southern history” was due to blacks presence.
Jamestown- high death rate caused by diseases.
Virginia immigrants- who and why did they go there?
One was because they were victims of propaganda since Virginia was painted as a land of milk and honey! This is how a particular state/country attracts immigrants to go there by painting it as a land of wealth and opportunity, and of course people want the best for themselves and go there immediately.
Virginia was settled by Cavaliers, younger sons of gentry
Majority of those who came were male, young, single, and destitute.
English people were migrating everywhere but particularly London—although it was an unhealthy place at the time.
Economic dislocation
England—economic growth yet there continues to be poverty and economic misery for the lower class. People whom immigrate are usually in the lower class, minorities—escaping something in their home country, seeking a better life for themselves.
Indentured Immigrants—
Migrating to America was expensive. Some had no choice but to do that and indenture themselves to labor for some planter or company, (4-7 years)
They paid the owner cost of passage plus some profit.
Those who completed their term, got freedom dues.
Some were convicts, instead of being put to death they would sell them and make money.
Some servants after serving their terms…somehow found a way to manage to buy land and begin upward social mobility.
Although this was something promised to them, some just couldn’t rise out of the servant class; which many people continue to suffer nowadays in being in the lower class and not having the opportunity to move up and find a better life for themselves.
When I had read this statistic…I was quite shocked because “four out of five immigrants in this group who went to Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia were indentured servants.
Overtime these servants had become highly skilled and trained and somewhat educated about certain technique. They had no bargaining power and were put for public sale!!
One in thirty ran away though. I was surprised that this number was low because I would assume that their owners weren’t treating them right and they were unhappy to leave the situation. But then again, there were various tactics to frighten them and threaten to kill close family or friends and plus they were willing to do whatever it took to arrive to the United States eventually, very risky and dangerous!
Another threat that would prevent them from running away was to increase the amount of years they served. If they were pregnant that would also increase their term by two years because owners would think that their losing time served by a female servant who was pregnant because she wouldn’t perform her tasks as successfully.
British government encouraged them to immigrate because it was profitable.
Production of Tobacco, and it was also not taxed lightly-Virginia
Parents and sons came to profit from tobacco trade.
Virginia planters built together a pretty good life.
When Virginia immigrants were overpopulating the state, many immigrated to Maryland.
Maryland—“good poor man’s country”
Those who settled was due to the fact of politics and even religion.
New England migrants were organized into family groups and had agricultural and craft skills.
Many educated men were amongst them.
Most of the servants worked in households or for small enterprises, and even for industry.
When completing their term, they had been considered members of the community.
Minister in New England was telling them to bring everything with them while immigrating to the U.S.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Coming to America: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Overseas Migration from Europe

Migration: moving
Immigration: moving beyond national frontier
60 million people left Europe to immigrate.
Europeans considered themselves to be quite superior to others, they were racist. (moral superiority too).
for the Europeans-labor/economic issues were primary issues.
Advanced technology (Age of Discovery)
-guns and ships
-200 years ago: Marco Polo, Trader from Italy
-Mongols in Persia- genocide, plague victims and contaminated everyone.
Push:  Europeans coming because of population/labor policies developed. Socioeconomic conditions in home country
Pull: Opportunities in new colonies for these new immigrants. Desire for economic gain
People of Central Mexico suffered one of worst disasters in human history, which greatly affected their population numbers. Their culture was also destroyed because more and more people were dying and not many were living to hold on to the traditions and culture that was engrained within these people.
Later settlers that came to the lands were using the techniques and skills that the people before them were living by. They were also teaching one another survival techniques.
I found it quite interesting that Canadians call their society a mosaic, since most of the people live by their own traditions, culture, religion; yet they are all Canadian in the same way.
Mixed ancestry- Mestizos
Traditional occupations for French include fur trapping.
“Laws of Migration”- push, pull, means.
push: why immigrants are impelled to emigrate
pull: what draws them to emigrate to that particular country? What does country offer them? What types of opportunities do they have by going there?
Means: are the immigrants capable of emigrating. Do they have the ability…that could refer to money, physical and emotional strength, etc. and also how they immigrated!
Major immigration myths that most Americans believe are as follows:
1-Plymouth Rock: religious/political liberty
2- Statue of Liberty: Idea that the poorest of the poor emigrate to the U.S.
3-Melting Pot: Different nationalities/ethnic groups come together and combine their beliefs and also try to become Americanized since they live in America. melting pot while maintaining their own identity.
Most migrants tend to be young…I also related this statement to my own family because various family members have moved from country to country while they were young in order to be able to start their life there and also be physically fit to move and then do labor work as well.
According to Ravenstein’s “laws”, only minorities of populations are likely to migrate. Immigration statistics in the U.S were certainly compromised since illegal aliens were not documented as well as family members of those migrating. And there were also those whom returned back to their country of origin…or even went back and forth, this was all not recorded in the statistics so there was no certainty in the number of people immigrating in and out of the United States.
The people were coming here for an adventure, even a dream. The United States  was for many, a country that people escaped to in order to free themselves and find a better life for themselves basically.
Immigrants-young adults, predominantly male from middle class

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mains'l Haul: A Journal of Pacific Maritime History

"The Deep History of Pacific Seafaring"- Jon Erlandson and "Evidence of Prehistoric Native American Seafaring"- Jim Cassidy
The Deep History of Pacific Seafaring-
Native Americans seafaring by using watercraft technology.

The Pacific is quite essential since numerous people migrated through it and so it has a lot of history. The oldest boats are less than 10,000 y. old. There seems to be evidence that Homo Erectus had built small rafts in order to go seafaring through the SouthEast Asia specifically; but didn't settle in Australia. 
There was an innumerable amount of water barriers that humans had no choice but to overcome and cross. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must have been for seafarers, since the fact that they had to build rafts and other materials from a limited amount of supplies, which were definitely not reliable and quite dangerous actually. Each time the people were going on journeys and seafaring, they were taking an enormous risk and were probably fearful. Another crucial thing that occurred were the strong currents which was only one of the barriers they had to find a way to overcome.
The “Kelp Highway”-helped with the maritime migration from Northeast Asia into the Americas; it played a huge role in immigration. Sites provide evidence for systematic seafaring, island colonization, marine hunting, fishing in the New World.

Coastal marine resources were exploited late in prehistory.  Hunting from water craft was less efficient than hunting land mammals.
Marine resources are very similar in nutritional value to those found on land. There also seems to be evidence of early seafaring with the Paleo-Coastal tradition; 100+ California coastal sites that date to Pleistocene/ early Holocene transition.
Cassidy’s research proves the developments of the maritime cultures to be true dating back 8,000 years.
I definitely agree with Cassidy when he states that the definition of “maritime migration” must have the same definition for people in order to analyze what went on; “migration” is defined as populations moving into new and previously uninhabited areas.
Native American Watercraft Technology-
Needed to be excellent for water challenges if the people came across any type of emergency/bad situation while travelling. This is still true till today because when people build airplanes, ships cars etc., they must verify that those are safe enough for people to ride in and overcome certain situations. Watercrafts had to be stable or else they would have been unbalanced in the water. It took a good amount of knowledge and expertise while building these watercrafts because one had to be quite careful. It was really amazing to come up with this invention and being very precise with every little thing they built within it and the reasoning behind it. The bottom of the boat was built carefully for the flexibility, the bow was to increase the speed of the boat; and they also found a way to cut through waves and minimize wind drift etc. People at the time and there continues to be people who solely rely on the seafaring techniques in order to migrate from one place to another. They definitely put all of their knowledge, technological skills and organized them in order to be able to build something this effective and valuable for hundreds of thousands of people through generations.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The American Indian and the Problem of History

The American Indian and the Problem of History, Chapter 3, “American Indians and American History.”

Five phases of indigenous people with environment and culture influences-Native American History!
1-“Beringian”- 40,000 to 12,000 B.C.
-utilized hunting methods of their Siberian Ancestors.
2-Paleo-Indian- 12,000 to 6,000 B.C
-New World innivations such as spears
-earth’s climate being warm overtime
3- Archaic Phase- 6,000 to 500 B.C
-egalitarian bands
-exploited resources through the seasons of year.
-larger populations, a lot of development going on at this particular time.
regional exchange networks definitely affected technology in a good way and local materials as well as moved religious ideas to various people throughout the world so they began learning of other cultures and religions.
4-post-Archaic Phase- 500 B.C to A.D 1500.
-maintained traditional norms and culture within.
-population, growth so there had to be various food resources for population.
-10 million people in only North America at this point.
At this point there are various languages, cultures, beliefs, and politics-same as today in way because different thoughts and beliefs move around the world quickly in only minutes with the advancement of technology and communication between countries. It’s really just amazing and unbelievable because of how quick the world moves with the advancements that occur everyday. 
I've also found an excellent image of the various Native American tribes in the U.S that I thought you guys would like to see!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Americas: A Hemispheric History

The Americas: A Hemispheric History, Chapter 1: “Americas? America? And Chapter 2:  “Between Colonizations: The Americas’ First ‘Normalcy’”

Many people living in South America refer the North Americans as norteamericanos, which I though was quite interesting and unusual. We use many names to refer to one another such as Latinos, Caucasians to give each type of ethnicity a sense of belonging since you cant put everyone under one classification.
Amerigo Vespucci reported America as Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil. The idea of the “new world” was absurd, inconceivable and definitely unimaginable for the people. I cannot imagine what they must have thought and how frightening that idea of a “new world” was to them!  People could not even imagine how enormous the hemisphere really was. I also found it definitely true to say that there is an innumerable amount of immigrant communities around the United States. Only because one is Italian-American or Polish American does not necessarily make them less of an American than those whose ancestors are American. Certain states are becoming more distinctive as only certain ethnicities live within and there becomes a state dress that people expect dress by. I’ve actually never paid attention to the fact that history books usually refer to two Americas- one being United States and the other being everything else, which one the contrary is a little difficult to jam up and put under one classification. I certainly agree with what the author considers to be the “good things” about the U.S, which includes wealth creation, democracy, opportunity; and the bad things such as capitalism, excessive privileges of wealth for some! This is certainly accurate, but like any other country, there are many advantages and disadvantages of living within that country and being able to have certain rights and privileges while not being able to have those in a different country. This specific idea speaks to the reason why many people emigrate from their countries to the United States for a better life, and only considering the advantages while forgetting about the disadvantages while making their decision!

-Olmecs are considered “Mother Civilization”, images of them have huge sculpted heads (which sounds pretty cool to be honest!)
-City building and monumental art of the Mayans- 3-10th century A.D.
-gods had various powers.
-Mayan writing was written to epigraphy in order for it to remain for generations and decades.
-astronomial observations were quite important as well as dynastic records  (conquests, kings, etc.)
-Cherokee was first written language in Mesoamerica.
-maps and pictograms was all that remained within civilization. 

Olmec's Sculpted Head! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Intro to this course!

Hi my name is Sherine Elamad and I look forward to this history course! (: