Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The American Indian and the Problem of History

The American Indian and the Problem of History, Chapter 3, “American Indians and American History.”

Five phases of indigenous people with environment and culture influences-Native American History!
1-“Beringian”- 40,000 to 12,000 B.C.
-utilized hunting methods of their Siberian Ancestors.
2-Paleo-Indian- 12,000 to 6,000 B.C
-New World innivations such as spears
-earth’s climate being warm overtime
3- Archaic Phase- 6,000 to 500 B.C
-egalitarian bands
-exploited resources through the seasons of year.
-larger populations, a lot of development going on at this particular time.
regional exchange networks definitely affected technology in a good way and local materials as well as moved religious ideas to various people throughout the world so they began learning of other cultures and religions.
4-post-Archaic Phase- 500 B.C to A.D 1500.
-maintained traditional norms and culture within.
-population, growth so there had to be various food resources for population.
-10 million people in only North America at this point.
At this point there are various languages, cultures, beliefs, and politics-same as today in way because different thoughts and beliefs move around the world quickly in only minutes with the advancement of technology and communication between countries. It’s really just amazing and unbelievable because of how quick the world moves with the advancements that occur everyday. 
I've also found an excellent image of the various Native American tribes in the U.S that I thought you guys would like to see!

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